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Vitours honor to accompany Tourism organized the Caravan
With the aim of strengthening links, expanding advertising and promoting tourism development and implementation of the National Action Plan on Tourism 2014 at the water line on the East-West Economic Corridor through 4 countries River Subregion Mekong (Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam), from 05 / 12- 15/12/2014 Vitours honored to accompany tourism organized the survey Caravan tourism routes and roads promote tourism economic corridor along the East - West (EWEC).
The Caravan Vietnam - Laos - Thailand - Myanmar including 10 cars and 35 members companion throughout almost 7000 km across four countries of the East West Economic Corridor with the guidance of the Head of the delegation was the Deputy Director Tourism Wu Huai Chung.

The survey team members include representatives of international tour operators specialize in organizing the program Caravan drove by car; Enterprise transport tourists North - Central - South; Press agencies and television; Sponsors for the program - Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam BIDV. The event received the support and active support of the National Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) in the survey and work in Chiangmai, Thailand.

In the framework of the trip, the team surveyed the landscape in many popular tourist destinations of the country in the Mekong sub-region, such as Watt Mahathat _ World Cultural Heritage; Triangle vang_Mot extremely famous landmarks, an island between the Thai-Laos-3 water Myanmar, where opium cultivation is notorious 40 years ago, now it is always crowded tourist and bustle; Wat Doi gold Sui Thep_ tourist destination Chiang Mai sacred; Shwedagon Pagoda (often called the Golden Temple) _bieu holy object of Myanmar; Mawlamyine_Thu government and the largest city of Mon State, Myanmar; Patuxay Victory Monument; Tower Luong_Bieu true object of Vienna Blankets ...... ..
05/12/2014 Evening in Gas Lane hotel businesses VN and Laos has pervaded the meeting friendship glue stick between the two peoples.

Along with survey activities of major tourist destinations along the EWEC of 4 Mekong Sub-region countries is the promotion of tourism:
Attend the International Tourism Fair held on 09.12.2014 Chiangmai in northwestern Thailand. At the Business Expo Vietnam have the opportunity to exchange and cooperation with the Business Hotels, Restaurants Thailand opens new direction for the market of Vietnam Outbound.

Coordinate with the Embassy of Vietnam, Vietnam Airlines and the Bank for Investment and Development Vietnam BIDV organized tourism roadshow Vietnam 2nd in Yangon (Myanmar) on 12/11/2014. The event has attracted the participation of more than 70 businesses Myanmar, Vietnam and now 20 bodies of water press 2. This is a milestone for the development of tourism between the two countries.

With leading spiritual "one for all and all for one" Caravan completed goal and mission is to examine and promote destinations, Vietnam tourism promotion in the country.
End of trip Famtrip, businesses Travel Vietnam has the opportunity to survey the point; advertise and promote tourism to the country Vietnam on the East-West economic corridor. This is the premise opens great possibilities for cooperation with very potential market Myanmar.

In summarizing the meeting Famtrip trip, Deputy Director of Tourism Wu Huai Chung was highly professional organization in the implementation of Vitours Famtrip. The event has been complacent cosmetic results, with the exact absolute security. Here are the results and the ongoing efforts of the staffs and brand position in Vitours in Vietnam and around the world.